Singing Guide: Shakin' Stevens

Singing Guide: Shakin' Stevens

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Shakin' Stevens made a splash with his rock 'n' roll revival music in the early 1980s. His unique vocal style is rooted in traditional rockabilly, where mastering the mix of chest and falsetto voice is key. Stevens sings in an upbeat, lively way, highlighted in his famous song "This Ole House." While not easy to master, his style is a great way to start learning rock 'n' roll techniques.

To sing like Shakin Stevens, start with vocal technique basics such as warm-ups and breathing exercises. Vocal range is another critical element to focus on, particularly when it comes to falsetto, as it is essential to have the right breath support to hit high notes and transition through the vocal registers.

To master his unique singing style, focus on Stevens' rhythm and energy and incorporate vocal training exercises that challenge your voice's agility, for example, the "Sirening" technique and vocal warm-ups which help you transition smoothly between chest and head voice and manage vocal breaks.

Alongside proper technique, Stevens' unique vocal style also comes from clever use of vocal inflections when singing and maintaining a playful vibrato.

Use Singing Carrots to improve your vocal range and pitch accuracy and to access our vocal training and progress statistics. Additionally, you can learn how to master singing techniques like Growling and Twang from our videos explaining specific vocal styles.

For further reading, check out our articles on voice types, breathing basics, vocal registers, articulation, vocal health, vibrating, and more.

Happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.